Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What NOT to do: Lesson 16... Another scandal

Reported March 30, Oprah Winfrey's Leadership Academy School for Girls has another sex scandal within less than two years. The first scandal involved adults, this time it involves the students.

It was reported on the nydailynews.com that a 15-year-old student was expelled because she allegedly preyed on another pupil and forced other pupils to lie to investigators. A letter to the student's parents said she was found guilty of having sexual contact with a student, harassment, and bullying.

After the first scandal, Winfrey fired the headmistress for sexually molesting girls at the school. But what does Winfrey do now?

In the world of PR, you never know when a crisis may arise. For Winfrey, however, it looks like she can't run a school without sex scandals. As a PR practitioner, what would you do to improve the image of the school and make it more appealing despite the sex scandals within two years?

- Marlon Williams