Saturday, February 14, 2009

What NOT to do: Lesson 6…Spin the Truth

When reports came in that Chris Brown would not be attending the last Sunday’s Grammy’s because of a LAPD investigation for felony battery, the media automatically zoned in on his girlfriend Rihanna. Members of the media then contacted Rihanna’s publicist, Amanda Silverman, to gain information on the explosive accusations that Brown laid hands on Rihanna.

Silverman stated that her client was involved in a traffic accident and was "fine." She then released another statement stating that the R&B singer was "well. Thank you for your concern and support." It was later reported that Rihanna was being tended to at Los Angeles’ Cedar-Sinai Medical Center with injuries that reflected a domestic abuse assault.

Fabricating stories isn’t new to Silverman, she’s been caught by the media before. Creating stories about high-profile clients Daman Dash and Naomi Campbell has given her a bad name with the press. As Page Six puts it, “If Silverman says the sun is shining, bring an umbrella.”

The media is known for calling out publicists for lying, that’s the last thing you want to do because then you’ll become the story and be crucified for it. What Silverman should have done was think before she spoke. No matter what, don't lie about the situation. If anything, a simple “No Comment” would have done the job. Lying is the one sin the media will neither tolerate nor forgive.

- Travis Francis


  1. I agree Silverman should not have lied about the situation with Rihanna. I would have preferred an honest answer before a no comment but above all I just expect honesty. Silverman obviously doesn’t do her job well and she is clearly ruining her reputation. I know that I would not want Page Six to be talking badly about the quality of my work. Silverman needs to take a step back and reevaluate her work ethic.


  2. One of the first things I learned about PR is NOT TO LIE. There were many ways Silverman could have went about the situation such as just simply stating that Rhianna was fine. Her fans were concerned and to say that she was in a car accident did ease their concern. Before working for another client, Silverman needs to take a course with Professor Kinchlow.

    Lol at "If Silverman says the sun is shining, bring an umbrella."

  3. I agree as a PR student you know the golden rule is to never lie, maybe if publicists had to attend college they would have known that as well.


  4. Silverman definitely should've told the truth. Lying is not a part of the PR code of ethics. Lying creates more chaos and confusion.

    The truth eventually comes out. Lying may slow the process, but in the end you will alwaysbe known as a liar once the truth is revealed.

    However, we have to realize that Silverman is a publicist and not a PR professional. Publicist specialize in one-way communication. She had no regard for the messages that she would receive in return, so she crafted her own message and sent it out.

    Silverman definitely needs a copy of the PR Code of Ethics.

  5. I agree with you Travis. PR consultants should always go with the “No Comment” response whenever asked about a situation that is still being investigated by police or officials. Never lie. Everything you lie about will always come to light someday. Whoever decides who works for Rihanna needs to do more research before doing the hiring. I hope that both Rihanna and Chris Brown make it through this incident successfully and keep their prosperous careers afloat.

