Sunday, March 8, 2009

What NOT to do: Lesson 11...Bash former Client

So I’m pretty sure that everyone has heard of the infamous “Octomom.” You know, the lady who recently had eight kids to add on to the six she already had. Well her real name is Nadya Suleman. And it seems like she’s having a difficult time keeping a publicist. For the second time in less than a month Suleman is down a publicist.

The first PR firm stepped down after receiving threats of violence and even death. Now less than a month later, Suleman’s second publicist, Victor Munoz says he’s done. “This woman is nuts," he told "This I can say: What ultimately destroyed the business arrangement was personal reasons."

With the release of this statement, Munoz is not doing himself any favors professionally by publicly bashing a former client. Who would want to hire him after criticizing someone he used to represent? As a publicist, Munoz should have known better.

What do you think about Munoz’s statement about “Octomom?”

-Travis Francis


  1. I think that it was pretty careless on his part. If I was in the market for a publicist, he would most definitely not be on my list, simply because of his tactless approach to this situation. I wouldn't be able to trust that if we ever parted company, he wouldn't speak ill of me on a personal level. Not so smart Mr. Munoz...


  2. This seems like a very silly PR move for a publicist, of all people to do. I beleive he should never comment on a client in a way that exposes personal details about the client. I mean, saying she was nuts isn't the worst thing, but it is quite a personal statement from an insider never the less. I think this was a slip of the tongue by him.

  3. This seems like a very silly PR move for a publicist, of all people to do. I beleive he should never comment on a client in a way that exposes personal details about the client. I mean, saying she was nuts isn't the worst thing, but it is quite a personal statement from an insider never the less. I think this was a slip of the tongue by him.

    Mandla Deskins

  4. Very unprofessional! I stongly disagree with people commenting and making remarks on professional relationships or issues in a less than professional manner. If he had an issue with Suleman that's his business but to blast her in the media is just irresponsible. He should have just walked away fromthe situation quietly.
    -Nicole Jackson
