Thursday, March 19, 2009

What NOT to do: Lesson 12...Allow financial greed to drive your company

In a recent class discussion, my professor pointed out some of the evils in PR. Originally brought into the light by Rachel Maddow, on MSNBC, were some of the cover-ups committed by well known PR agency Burson-Marsteller. What many PR agencies like Burson-Marsteller would call "crisis communications" or "reputation management," I call cover-ups because of their immoral nature.

Far too often do I see media outlets abuse their responsibilities of agenda setting, gate keeping and framing, to turn a profit. Scandals and scams that should be brought into the light to protect the American and global public are covered up and made out to be something that they are not. Like Maddow and my professor pointed out; when members of Blackwater slaughtered 17 Iraqi civilians, or toy company, Spin Master, was found producing toys with harmful chemicals, Burson-Marsteller was there to "save the day."

A responsible PR agency and/or professional should be there to communicate the truth, whatever that truth may be, to the public. Not to spin scandal into profit.

If you ran your own PR firm, how hard do you think it would be to say "no" to immoral public relations. It may be easy to say it now, but imagine thousands to millions of dollars being offered. Is it still that easy?

-Gearey McLeod

1 comment:

  1. I believe that I would do what's right, but like you said, it's pretty hard to be sure that I would say no to immoral PR. I can only hope that I do what goes with my personal convictions.

